"There will be no more rockstar designers." In this talk James Haliburton, co-founder and CEO...

Kati London - IoT: Designing for socially relevant engagement
Kati London
Microsoft research
”We need to make sense of data while support our own humanity.” The Internet of Things promises...
“The future will look more like the past than the present.” In this talk Kate Stone, Creative...
”What is most satisfying in life is to contribute.” In this talk Revolutionary organizer Rosie...
"As our society evolves, so does our government." There's a transformation going on in British...
Decision and Choice Making: Petter Johansson, Renata Saleci, Joe Leech.
Interview with Sabrina Majeed, BuzzFeed by Andreas Ekström, HD-Sydsvenskan.
Interview with Adam Pruden, Frog Design, by Andreas Ekström, HD-Sydsvenskan.
"We are entering a post-smartphone era." Senior Interaction Designer Adam Pruden, Frog Design...
"We build mental models of how the world works and then we apply them to new situations." In...

Warren Kronberger & Brian Torbik - Show and smell
Warren Kronberger & Brian Torbik
The Marketing Store
"Sensory marketing can connect new technology with human behavior in a meaningful way." In...
"Imagine a world where companies can have their own rockets and launch their own satellites."...

Renata Salecl - How endless choices makes us unhappy
Renata Salecl
University of Ljubljana
"The happiness ideology has created vast amount of misery among humans." Renata Salecl is a...
"Know that you don't know yourself - at least not as well as you think you do." Petter...
"We need to move beyond the Silicon Valley model." Aral Balkan is the founder and lead...
The utterly fabulous Derek Sivers, entrepreneur and programmer, shares his best advice on how to...
The mission: Unfolding complexity because the world is complex.
"The most interesting place to be is at the border between the known and the unknown, and how...
"A story should make a larger point about human experience and the world." Brian Reed is a...
"Let's tattoo design fiction on our arms... or legs!" Designer Jill Nussbaum takes a closer...
In recent years it has become increasingly important for brands and businesses to communicate a...
"It starts to feel very actual after a while." How do you create a sense of embodiment in...
"Machines will replace humans at every level." Children automatically gather a lot of...
"What if machines could sense the world the same way humans do?" Perceptions shape our...
It’s an exciting proposition, to have robots and computers do stuff that are heavy, boring or...
"Gadgets are your friends." To make sense of technology we need to use it in new and...

Clara Gaggero Westaway - Merging physical and digital experiences
Clara Gaggero Westaway
Special Projects
"There is no such thing as a pure digital experience." As a designer at Special Projects, Clara...
We constantly hear about promises of new technologies. Lately there’s been a lot of buzz about...
"To be able to do better things, you need to invest in trust." Lisa Lindström, CEO of Doberman...
"The way we work is no longer working." Many organisations, old and new, are facing challenges...
Brian Reed interviewed by Andreas Ekström, Sydsvenskan.
Stephanie Pereira from Kickstarter interviewed by Andreas Ekström.
The collaboration and the creative force that are generated when people are coming together to...
"Kickstarter is a place where people come to be a part of something." Kickstarter is a place...
"It is not us, it's you - but without us, there is no you." Magnus Thure Nilsson, CEO of Media...
A lot in our society is based on trust. It’s essential for all kinds of communication and...
"Human beings want to trust each other and the systems around them." Can money exist without a...
"Should we let algorithms run the show - or should we do it by human hand?" Juan Cartagena is...
"I'm drowning in a deep sea of ideas." What does a creative process look like? Few things can...
"We are like mad scientists that are allowed to experiment." How to create a longevity in a...
Scott is going to share insights on how music is being consumed and what all content creators can...
"Our relationship with the past has started to change." Evan Sandhaus presents the future of...
"Trust immediacy - play!" Who would guess playing around with waste material from plastic...
"Done is better than perfect." Masakazu Takasu, technical evangelist at teamLab, takes us on a...
We grow up exploring ourselves and our surroundings. We learn how to interact with the community...
"Leave your idea and your ego out of it." Presenting your idea to other people is fishing for...
"Stop applying your ideas on how the world works today." Throughout history we have...