"The future of Internet is decentralized." In this his session, Muneeb Ali, founder of...
"Innovation is not just a moment that can come from crisis; crisis can come from innovation."...
QA with Jamie Bartlett (Demos), Amy Whitaker (New York University), and Nathaniel Raymond...
From The Conference 2017.
"The stronger the light and the stronger explanation, the lesser you can see around it and whats...
Erin Malone - Taking On: Rapid Urbanization
Erin Malone
Forward Together & Hometown Connect
"It was easier for me to get to China than to get back to my hometown." Urbanization is not...
QA with Erin Malone (Forward Together Hometown Connect) and Nina Rappaport (Vertical Urban...
"How do you make a factory as a part of the streetscape?" The outsourcing of industries from...
"Doing nothing is not a luxury, it’s a ground for meaningful thoughts." Digital artist and...
QA with Caroline Jack (Data Society), Muneeb Ali (Blockstack), and Amy Adele Hasinoff...
"Shorthand news are not only about the content but also about the context." In this session,...
Amy Adele Hasinoff - Trust In a Post-Truth World
Amy Adele Hasinoff
University of Colorado
"If you design for consent in the long term you have users more likely to stick around, if you...
"For better of worse, we live in a very complex economy that doesn't give us space to venture...
"Radical movements have always been the driving force of society. They force you to think, to...