Joanna Peña-Bickley - Empowered by wearable tech
Joanna Peña-Bickley
IBM Interactive Experience
"Wearable tech is reshaping industries with global impact." In this talk, Joanna Peña-Bickley,...
Up in the Air - Drones and Above: Adam Pruden, Mads Wilson.In this session we explore how...
EMPOWERED BY WEARABLE TECH From helping you focus to tracking millions of women’s monthly...
Derek Sivers shares his best lessons of life. Part 2: How to thrive in an unknowable future.
"We are at risk of engineering the romance out of our lives." Chief Marketing Officer at NJJB,...
"Start to use data as a way to power personalization." Sabrina Majeed is a product design...
"Drop your institutional ego." Are today’s organizations too much “I” and too little “you”?...
"Think about marketing as a service instead of push messages." Farrah Bostic, Head of Strategy...
”With these guidelines you will get into a state of data bliss.” In this talk, Roger Magoulas,...
"To make strategic choices you need to understand who you are designing for." The New York...
“The greatest potential with wearables are still ahead of us.” Laura Michelle Berman is the...
"Collecting data is extremely important for the individual woman but also for society.” Ida...

Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino - Connecting to the internet of things
Alexandra Deschamps-Sosino
”It’s all about the things.” Interaction designer Alexandra Deschamps-Sosino, Designswarm,...
"There will be no more rockstar designers." In this talk James Haliburton, co-founder and CEO...

Kati London - IoT: Designing for socially relevant engagement
Kati London
Microsoft research
”We need to make sense of data while support our own humanity.” The Internet of Things promises...
“The future will look more like the past than the present.” In this talk Kate Stone, Creative...
”What is most satisfying in life is to contribute.” In this talk Revolutionary organizer Rosie...
"As our society evolves, so does our government." There's a transformation going on in British...
Decision and Choice Making: Petter Johansson, Renata Saleci, Joe Leech.
Interview with Sabrina Majeed, BuzzFeed by Andreas Ekström, HD-Sydsvenskan.
Interview with Adam Pruden, Frog Design, by Andreas Ekström, HD-Sydsvenskan.
"We are entering a post-smartphone era." Senior Interaction Designer Adam Pruden, Frog Design...
"We build mental models of how the world works and then we apply them to new situations." In...

Warren Kronberger & Brian Torbik - Show and smell
Warren Kronberger & Brian Torbik
The Marketing Store
"Sensory marketing can connect new technology with human behavior in a meaningful way." In...
"Imagine a world where companies can have their own rockets and launch their own satellites."...

Renata Salecl - How endless choices makes us unhappy
Renata Salecl
University of Ljubljana
"The happiness ideology has created vast amount of misery among humans." Renata Salecl is a...
"Know that you don't know yourself - at least not as well as you think you do." Petter...
"We need to move beyond the Silicon Valley model." Aral Balkan is the founder and lead...
The utterly fabulous Derek Sivers, entrepreneur and programmer, shares his best advice on how to...