Magnus Nilsson – Endings and new beginnings

Magnus Nilsson

Fäviken | MAD Academy | Food Planet Prize

From The Conference August 29, 2022

“The conflict between emotions and conscious rationality is at the core of what it means to be a human in the 21st century.“

The conflict between emotional and rational thinking is perhaps the greatest dilemma of the present. Magnus Nilsson encourages us to use the gift that is a conscious mind to investigate our subconscious, our emotions. Rationalising can be the delay, making us wait until a crucial point to make a decision. Because, if you really think about it - didn't you already know? 

Magnus walked us through the different stages of his career. He told us the story of Fäviken, how and why it led to the end. He discussed how we, as people, often rationalise our decisions after initially making them guided by emotions. But what if it’s also as rational and valid a decision as a completely conscious one? What if we re-learn how to act in the forms of sensations and emotions?

Length 51:19
Total views 883
Theme 2022