Calle Rosengren – Work – what science says

Calle Rosengren

Lund University

From The Conference August 29, 2022

“Covid-19 has done more for the digitalisation of organisations than the COO and CEO.”

During their online meeting, Calle Rosengren’s colleague from Lund University received four missed calls from her son. There must have been a fire in his room. She knocked on his door. Nah, no fire. He wanted to know whether he could eat the last semla. How do we find healthy digital boundaries and a chance to focus in these new hybrid working days? 

Rosengren’s research suggests that it’s worth looking into some digital boundary management strategies. Suggested strategies circle around for example building good habits very consciously. But also - and particularly in this seriously urgent semla situation - involving any family members in conversations around digital boundaries.

Length 16:24
Total views 399
Theme 2022