The media landscape in Skåne!

From The Conference August 23, 2013

We invited our members and friends to show the world what they think the media landscape in Skåne looks like, and then we mixed it all up to this - welcome to join us!

Music by Patrik Book
Edited by Albin Ponnert
With contributions from Media Evolution, Region Skåne, King, Tarsier, In-Use, Ustwo, Karolina Friberg, Attraction Film, Do-Fi, Crunchfish, Bredbandsbolaget, Andreas Petrovic, Erika Svensson, Ro-Ki, Malmö Stadsbyggnadskontor, Appbyrån, Anders Frick, Sir Lancelot, Redloop, Mellotron, The Game Assembly, Digifex and King Edward

Length 01:47
Total views 2524
Theme Q&A
Tagged with collaboration media skåne