QA with designers Caroline Sinders (Independent) and Michelle Mederos (Facebook). Moderator:...
”There is no magic way to get rid of all the internet trolls” What can you actually do...
”I think people are allowed to be dicks on the internet, but people should have the choice to opt...
Anita Sarkeesian - Online Harassment, What Drives it and How it Lowers Visions
Anita Sarkeesian
Feminist Frequency
The harassment of people online is emerging as one of the biggest issues on the internet. It's a...
Laurie Penny - Online Harassment, What Drives it and How it Lowers Visions
Laurie Penny
Laurie Penny is a journalist, author and Contributing Editor at New Statesman magazine. She has...
Kate Miltner - Online Harassment, What Drives it and How it Lowers Visions
Kate Miltner
Internet Researcher
Kate Miltner is an internet researcher whose interests focus on online behavior and networked...
Kate Miltner, Anita Sarkeesian and Laurie Penny discuss online harassment. The harassment of...
Cindy Gallop, the founder CEO of IfWeRanTheWorld and MakeLoveNotPorn, offers some provocative,...