Shu Yang Lin – Broken Promise Land

Shu Yang Lin


From The Conference September 07, 2018

“We believe we all should have a say in how we make our society.”

TaiwanPDIS co-founder Shu Yang Lin introduces us to rethink the interaction between the government and the civil society. In Taiwan, events for civil hackers are arranged in order for people to participate and together try to improve democracy by means of technology. By changing public websites and making them more democracy friendly, they are able to ”fork” the government and take down all the unwanted sites and make new ones instead. Shu Yang Lin describes this as a non-violent form of communication, an open-space technology that allows the entire society to engage in rational discussions fixed by hackers. It can be seen as an experiment on how to create consensus and gain trust within a large group of people even though they don’t know each other.

Length 15:09
Total views 736
Theme 2018