Louise Overgaard - Libraries in a Digital Age

Louise Overgaard

The Aarhus Library

From The Conference August 21, 2013

Louise Overgaard is the Team Manager at The Maker Library at The Aarhus Library. By constantly involving users and partners and by focusing on constant development, the library in Aarhus is transforming itself from a place for books to a place for relations. The Maker Library is focusing on informal learning processes and collaborative, user-driven innovation.

To explore the role of libraries in a digital age, Publit and Axiell has invited five internationally acclaimed experts to a two hour track. The first hour will focus on libraries as a place, elaborating on digitally enhanced buildings, hacker space's and community centres online. The second hour will offer an in-depth analysis of e-lending as a customised service, as opposed to handling physical products.

Length 18:30
Total views 1647