Georgina Voss – How To See What's Not There

Georgina Voss

Artist & Author of Systems Ultra

From The Conference September 03, 2024

Are we in control of technological megasystems, or are they in fact controlling us? By taking on a critical approach to modern technology, Georgina Voss emphasizes the need to collectively challenge the systems that underpin our world. Humans suffer from hubris in terms of using technology to exert control. Voss draws a parallel to the film Jurassic Park, highlighting the role of technological systems in our everyday life. She explains how these systems affect us both emotionally and physically although they are invisible to the human eye. As were the imaginary dinosaurs to the actors in the movie. But, “how to see what isn’t there?” Through digital screens we can have new experiences in virtual worlds, which might evoke unsettling emotions. But just like in Jurassic Park, the systems that are there to protect us can in fact also become a threat. The theme of control connected to systems becomes more relevant with complex and demanding technologies evolving rapidly. Voss urges us to take a critical perspective on the systems surrounding us, “because after all, if velociraptors can systematically test electrified fences for weakness, so can we”.

Length 51:00
Total views 712
Theme 2024
Tagged with 2024 keynote