Q&A - Anatomy of Virality

Q&A - Anatomy of Virality

From The Conference August 19, 2014


We see it over and over again. Brands that go to a crazy length to be seen. We know that attention has gotten harder to get and that it has to be earned. It seems that mouth to mouth, or rather mouse to mouse (keyboard to keyboard), sharing of news and brand messages are better than bought ones.

Learn from avid campaign makers and scrutinous statistic junkies on what really works to get peoples’ attention.

Per Cromwell, co-founder, Studio Total
Per will share his experiences, thoughts and conclusions from 10 years of disruptive marketing with many provocative and super smart campaigns in his bag.

Kevin Allocca, Head of Culture and Trends, YouTube
Kevin will explore what the concept of “viral” means in the web video space and deconstruct some of YouTube’s most popular (and interesting) memes and trends.

Length 10:34
Total views 836
Theme Q&A