Becky Lyon – A Carrier Bag for Care-Full, and Co-flourishing Decision Making

Becky Lyon


From The Conference September 01, 2023

“The master's house cannot be rebuilt with master's tools.“

“A physical shift with our bodies can shift how we think about a problem.”

In her talk, Becky Lyon reminded us that we need to get back to our bodies, in order to create a world where we can thrive. In the dominant European American system the body has been estranged in favor of the rational, the evidence-based and the narrow. It caused us to step outside of ourselves, placing the notion within us that nature is outside of ourselves. What Becky encourages us to do, is to return to the body. If we reintroduce the body to make the change that we want to see, it can return our intuition closer to our core selves. Perhaps this can alter the gated and guarded power structures that currently exist.

As a part of the toolkit for care that Becky presents, she encourages you to map the “enmessments”, meaning to map all the interconnections, flows and entanglements surrounding you. Understanding the complexity allows for more care-full decisions. The audience was at one point invited to act out an act of care, opening space for lightness, humor and laughter. Embracing joy and play brings us back to our bodies, and helps us enact care into our daily lives. Lastly, as Becky said, practice here is key, so go out and do it.

Length 17:30
Total views 237
Theme 2023
Tagged with 2023 enacting care